The plant biosecurity research community meets again
The second Plant Biosecurity Research Symposium was held on the 11 & 12 May at the National Wine Centre in Adelaide on Kaurna country. The two-day Symposium, sponsored by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, included…
PBRI Committee Meeting #18, 10 March 2022
Meeting 18 was attended by representatives from six plant RDCs, Plant Health Australia (PHA) and the Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment (DAWE). Susan Maas, CRDC, chaired the meeting which included a member update on biosecurity…
Biosecurity Extension Practitioner Community
On 2 March, 50 members of the Biosecurity Extension Community joined an online meeting to share their experiences relating to plant biosecurity extension.
At each of the meetings relevant speakers are invited based on suggestions from the…
Ritman Scholarship for the PBRI Symposium 2022
Dr Kim Ritman was a foundation member of PBRI and Australia’s Chief Plant Protection Officer. He had a distinguished career in Plant Health, championing early career researchers to build scientific capability in plant biosecurity. Kim was…
Biosecurity Surveillance RD&E Forum
The PBRI fora continue to highlight expertise and knowledge which may for the development of future RD&E investments.
The PBRI has prioritised Surveillance RD&E as one of its Key Focus Areas, with interest in investing in activities…
Data and analytics for enhanced biosecurity
PBRI members and partners met on July 20 to hear about the role of data and analytics to support biosecurity. This forum focussed on the types of data being collected and how it is being used in a biosecurity context.
This was the fifth forum…
Over the horizon biosecurity workshop
PBRI members met on 24 April to hear about research focused on ‘over the horizon’ biosecurity threats, a high priority area for the members.
Fall armyworm workshop identifies cross-sectoral RD&E needs
The PBRI workshop of around 50 people from industry, government and research organisations across Australia and New Zealand discussed management of fall armyworm
B3 NZ Conference 2021
The B3 NZ Conference will be held on 17-18 May 2021 at Te Papa Museum, Wellington.
PBRI initiates a new Biosecurity Extension Community
A new collaboration has been formed for extension experts from across plant industries and government.